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What separates APEX Culture from other forms of training? APEX was designed to be an ever expanding source of Leadership and Growth. With weekly updates and constant market analysis, our catalog always stays fresh and relevant, giving you and your employees a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Users are rewarded for the more training they complete, and notified if they start to fall behind their co-workers. With 400+ videos and counting, we have the training you need. Click below to read about more features or get a free site demo!



24/7 Access to our interactive training platform. The APEX CULTURE offers hands-on interactive training from anywhere on the planet. From the home office to the dealership we grant access on any computer or smartphone to your personalized training system.

Access one of the most powerful training systems in the world from anywhere by downloading the VT²GO app from the app store today!


Hands on

APEX offers state of the art interactive training powered by LightspeedVT.

Training should be hands on, and involve the learner in the process. With our interactive training, we offer simulated sale scenarios, custom and adaptive to an ever changing marketplace. User's can take tests, quizzes, and practice simulated phone sales to stay on top of their game, and ultimately sell more. Our partnership with DiSC® assessments, helps us tailor our content to the user's learning type for optimal retention.

© 2023 by Personal Life Coach. The APEX CULTURE©

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